Ancestral Medicine


Ancestral Medicine is a form of ancestral lineage healing that integrates earth-honoring traditions, animism, and indigenous wisdom and emphasizes cultural sensitivity and ethical engagement. Through holistic practices, ritual, and ceremonies, we establish a connection with our ancestors, seeking their guidance and addressing ancestral wounds. With each step, we honor the past, heal the present, and shape a brighter future.

Want to learn more? Book a free 20 minute online consultation.

Ancestral Medicine is a form of ancestral lineage healing that integrates earth-honoring traditions, animism, and indigenous wisdom and emphasizes cultural sensitivity and ethical engagement. Through holistic practices, ritual, and ceremonies, we establish a connection with our ancestors, seeking their guidance and addressing ancestral wounds. With each step, we honor the past, heal the present, and shape a brighter future.

Daniel Foor, Ph.D., has played a significant role in popularizing and sharing ancestral healing practices, contributing to the development of Ancestral Medicine. As an author, teacher, and practitioner with extensive experience, he has deeply studied and practiced ancestral healing for over two decades. 

By engaging in Ancestral Medicine, you can experience a myriad of benefits that touch every aspect of your being:

  • Personal Healing: Uncover hidden aspects of your identity, gain a deeper understanding of your challenges and strengths, and find healing by addressing intergenerational trauma, unresolved conflicts, or unacknowledged grief.
  • Connection and Belonging: Cultivate a stronger sense of identity, purpose, and rootedness by recognizing your place within a lineage and connecting with the wisdom and experiences of your ancestors.
  • Cultural Revitalization and healing: Reclaim and revitalize cultural traditions, rituals, and practices that may have been lost or suppressed. Reconnect with your heritage, cultural roots, and ancestral knowledge, promoting cultural resilience and preservation.
  • Interconnectedness and Community Healing: Contribute to the healing of our communities and the collective consciousness by healing your own ancestral lineage, fostering a more harmonious and balanced world.
  • Wisdom and Guidance: Experience a deeper sense of intuition, clarity, and ancestral guidance as you actively work with Ancestral Medicine, providing support and inspiration in navigating life's challenges.

Ancestral Medicine is a deeply personal and culturally specific practice. Drawing from diverse cultural and spiritual traditions worldwide, Ancestral Medicine reflects humanity's long standing recognition of the importance of honoring ancestors and engaging with ancestral wisdom. Although the exact origins of Ancestral Medicine as a singular modality are challenging to trace, we find ancestral reverence practices embedded within indigenous cultures, shamanic traditions, and various religious and spiritual systems throughout history.

Discover the deeply personal and transformative healing journey that awaits you through Ancestral Medicine. It's important to note that the benefits and breakthroughs offered by this powerful modality are highly individual. As you consider embarking on this path, we encourage you to prioritize your psychological well-being and ensure that you are in a state of stability. 

Book a free consultation call now to explore whether Ancestral Medicine is the right fit for you, and together, we'll chart a course towards healing, growth, and self-discovery.

Ancestral Medicine

can help with the following:


Anna Sólyom
Compassionate Inquiry, Ancestral Medicine, TRE

50 min - $150  |  90 min - $195


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