Postpartum Nervous System Support


Postpartum Nervous System Support sessions are facilitated by an experienced full spectrum doula and use different somatic practices to process difficult pregnancy & birth experiences (whether your birth was 6 weeks ago or 16 years ago).

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Postpartum Nervous System Support sessions are facilitated by an experienced full spectrum doula and use different somatic practices to process difficult pregnancy & birth experiences (whether your birth was 6 weeks ago or 16 years ago).

Pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum time are all incredibly transformational times for our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships, and communities. Although there is often a lot of joy & celebration woven throughout the days, many people also experience pain, loneliness, anxiety, depression, and grief.

In these Postpartum Nervous System Support sessions, we’ll use different somatic tools (like TRE and Somatic Experiencing) to help your body & your nervous system process & integrate your birth and / or postpartum experience.

How long is a session?

Intake sessions are 90 minutes, follow up sessions are 60 minutes.

What will we do in the first session?

We’ll start by talking a little about the different somatic tools we can use and your goals for these sessions. We’ll likely have enough time to go through a full intro to TRE session if that’s something you’re interested in trying and then we’ll make a plan together about what would feel most supportive in follow up sessions. We can always shift the plan as needed, though.

Can I bring my newborn?

Yes! There are pros & cons either way—if you’re still in that fourth trimester space and / or nursing you’re welcome to bring you newborn to the session. Newborns are learning to regulate their own nervous system from you, so it can be helpful for them to feel how you move in and out of activation during these sessions. That being said, newborn’s often have their own agenda and bringing you baby might mean that we are unable to go through a full TRE session or that your system might not be able to fully relax in ways that would be useful. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or concerns about this and we can come up with a plan together.

Postpartum Nervous System Support

can help with the following:


Ashley Hartman Annis
TRE® Provider and Mentor, Postpartum Nervous System Support, Somatic Experiencing

Initial session - 90 minutes - $165 | Followup sessions - 60 minutes - $120


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